FYI tomorrow will probably be short because tomorrow is fathers day.
Today we are gonna go over a few things.
1. Orientation for Thailand starts on January 10th 2012
2. my train ride from Bangkok to Chaing Mai is on January 13th/14th 2012
3. Classes start on January 16th 2012
4. Last day of classes is on May 18th 2012
The countdown begins with 205 till Thailand
On another note,
my Rosetta Stone Thai language course came in yesterday!! : )
but here is the catch the UPS dude never rang the doorbell.
SO i was waiting and waiting and waiting and last night I was going over families so I wanted to get it before we left. After another hr of waiting after we were supposed to leave I decided to go check outside.
It was strange one because he came so late. He usually comes around 1pm and he wasn't there till some time around 4 and 5:30.
I opened it up and installed it onto my laptop and decided to play with it a little to see how it would work...
It's not quite what I was hoping for but it's still very helpful.
I was hoping that it would teach me hello/goodbye you know important stuff to know before you get over there not the boy is under the airplane or the girl is on the horse.
But after simple things like that is got hard. There would be one saying the ball is on the boy and under the table.
I'm learning slowly but surly I just hope I learn enough before I head over there :)
now I need to go practice
OK that's all I have for now and from now on the countdown will be at the bottom of each post so not only can you keep track but me as well =)
Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )
205 days till Thailand