Tuesday, June 14, 2011

UC and traveling


Today I'm going to talk a little bit about my UC and what that means with traveling.  It can be a pain in the ASS.  Oh maybe I should explain what UC is for those of you who don't know what it is.  It's a chronic inflammation of the colon along with possible ulcers. UC  is short for Ulcerative Colitis.  Now what that means is I go to the bathroom... ALOT....
And as you could imagine the bathrooms in Thailand are different than the western ones here in the US.  They are wayy wayy wayy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different.  Those who don't know the toilets in Thailand are more comingly know as squat toilets.  They are not exactly designed for people who use the bathroom frequently.

  Never mind a completly new idea.. BUT remember I will be wearing a skirt.  Which is a nice little barrier for privacy.  Ok so wearing a skirt in Thailand in not a complete horrifiying experience.  Well ok maybe it is....  Stop laughing.  It's not nice to make fun of me for HATING to wear skirts.  My friends know right guys... have any of you seen me in a skirt.  Ok the occasional dress that EVERYONE has seen me in.  Which is this one.
(this was prom picture fyi)

Wait how on earth did i get to showing you all my dress... OOHHHH skirts/dresses.... Yes so i own one dress but no skirts.  Its no fun you have to sit with your legs crossed in really hot weather.  This creates that akward sweat and ya know it takes more effort to sit "lady like"..... Now if I wasn't such a tomboy that might just be an easier feat to accomplish.....  I grew up with 5 boys come on....  Which I love to death the three im closes with.  I may call them my brothers but really only one is my biological brother.  The other two are my neighbors... The other two live in the neightborhood who i no longer talk to.  Simply with all of us in college now it is very difficult to get together. WOOOOOOOO ok way way way off topic this is supposed to be about my UC. 

The food that I eat also can create "flares" which is when my medication cannot keep the inflammation in check and I go to the bathroom literally every hour.  It's horrible...   But that's just something that I have to live with and there is nothing more than I'm all ready doing.  Oh and for those with questions about how to bring enough medicine this is what you do.... Most airlines and countries will allow a one month supply of your medication.  Just by going to the doctor and getting a note and keeping all medication in the original bottles will fix this problem... OR you can look into buying your medication there..  Here is an example... when I went to Egypt. My mom needed a machine that gave her medicine to help her breath.  In my family asthma is usually really bad.  It cost my parents around $300 USD.  In Egypt no joke it cost $40 USD...
Some times however the medication that we use  here is illigal there.  OH NO!!! don't fret there are so many different medications im sure your doctor could try to get around that but still be able to treat you effectivly.

I think that is all i really got to say about that
(leave a comment about what you want to know more about)
Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )

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