Monday, October 3, 2011

buying the ticket/pics


I decided to actually wave today not just hold my hand up next to me (i dont like it)

Guess what is happening tonight bet u can never guess!

My mom is buying my plane ticket to Thailand.
Yes it is going to happen.

a little over excited maybe nahhhhh

Well since it's still only 9am right  now it hasn't exactly happened yet.
but be patient it will. I'M POSITIVE!!!

Trying to think if anything else is going on.......
I honestly don't think anything is going on for Thailand in the next few weeks,
I do however need to edit my paper I am sending to Payap University.
My professor here likes slang occasionally in papers where most universities/professors don't so i need to make a few changes here and there. Which is awesome it's an advance composition class which is pretty much a creative writing class with a few more guidelines.  None of my essays are really about anything educational they are working on writing well.  For example the one I'm turning in to Payap was a personal experience that society can learn from. 

I also need to take a digital photo, I have been putting it off FOREVER!  I can never take good pictures if I just need to stand there for a picture.  all well I'll take a million maybe one will look reasonable.

take 1

take 2

take 3

I give up

The time between now and me flying out is getting smaller and smaller very quickly.  I'M IN MY 6TH WEEK AT COLLEGE.  What on earth happened to the first 5 weeks.

 Oh yea I got my new phone today I'm so excited!!!

Until Tomorrow
96 more days

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