For Thailand my family friends have friends over at Payap University (i am aware that that sentences uses a friend of a friend...) but whatever.
They are going to be there while I'm there that's kind of obvious but it will be nice to meet people over there who "know" me.... kinda sorta but not actually....
But that is my little blurb about Thailand for the day... sorry nothing is going on at all with it right now so I'll just try to keep little updates, but mostly for a while I think I'm going to be writing about the Prank War in my apartment.
If I can count correctly its 4-4 right now...
Here are a list of pranks that were done (first one's Rachael and I did to them)
1. the freeze out... we made our apartment 55 degrees last night..
2. Set an alarm in Hannah's room for 2:30 hide it and waited.. (Hannah was not amused)
3.soaked their toilet paper with water
4. convinced Marissa that I saran wrapped her car
Them to me and Rachael
1. ducked taped everything in our bathroom. toilet, shower, sink
2. shaving cream in the sink and shower
3. upside down cup with water inside
4. rearranged our drawers in our bedroom
So far so much fun nothing to harmful the only fight about it we had was the 20minutes of sleep Hannah had over the alarm...
she even admitted later on in the day that now she is awake that it was funny so it all worked out in the end
Until Tomorrow
I hope marissa hannah sara win.