Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ESU meeting


So like I said around the day before last was, I had a meeting for studying abroad.  Well it was helpful and partially really boring.  For the most part because I have traveled so often I know a lot about traveling and staying in different areas.  IE the different electrical currents, safety, culture shock etc....  However I did receive very important information as well as realize two other people who I see almost ever day here (not quite friends tho) are studying abroad as well.

Hopefully I can get one of them to blog on here about their country/state they are traveling too.

I got some info on the country as well as a sheet to help me pack.  They made a point to tell us not to forget notebooks and stuff because we are going there for school.  I'll probably go out at the end of this semester to get the notebooks and things I need.  Knowing me I'll also be packed by the time I get home from ESU...
One day will be unpacking from here the next day will be for beginning to pack for Thailand.  Most likely I will take the largest suitcase I cant find and pack light so I can bring stuff home.  Because that is just a gimme.

this is the packet I got with all the helpful info in it

For now I think that's all that is truly going on.  OH I'm supposed to get my international school ID hopefully some time this week.

Until Tomorrow

Monday, November 28, 2011



There is absolutely nothing new to blog about today but I have not done it in a while.  So here is a recap of the last month or so. and a few new things.  I will have something to blog about tomorrow

paper word is 100% done
VISA has made it back home and is complete
credit transfers complete
tuition paid  NOT my mom is doing that today.

Finally whats new.....

I have a meeting with the office of international programs tomorrow with all of the students from ESU who are studying abroad in the spring. Not sure what is going to be said or spoken about so more on that tomorrow...


8 days of school
41day in general
2 holidays

Until Tomorrow

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Credit Transfers


OMG transferring credits should not be this difficult.  Ultimitly I'm going to be taking 18 credits abroad and only 12 are going to come back.....

OK so one class is 6 credits....

Technically only two classes are  not coming back.
My language and globalization class.

However if I actually sat down and thought about it before I did everything maybe just maybe I could of taken 15 credits to transfer back 12 but it's to late for that and I'm happy it's all done.  however I have learned a few things about other departments here at ESU

not looking at the camera

One.... Office hours seem to be more of a suggested time frame than when the professor will actually be in their office.
still not looking

Second....   There office hours are the only times they will be in their office.
Athletic Training however or my professors are all in their offices unless they are eating or teaching a class.

So I can tell you how frustrated I was trying to get a hold of the department chairs.
almost but not quite

Thirdly....  Some of the other departments truly have evil people as their Department chairs....
Now I don't need them to be like that's awesome your studying abroad I don't want that...

But i do ask for respect and discussing how credits will transfer how it will work etc

I sat in front of one dept chair for an hour while they were on a personal phone call for real... One rude two I don't care to know what is going on in your personal life.

All well I just got the phone call saying that my Dept. Chair and Advisor have signed the form so i need to pick it up tomorrow morning and than return it to the OIP and everything is done!!!!

To end it all my mom is getting my VISA from the post office today so the last thing to do is pay and then wait  till January 7th.

On a side note I'll tell you the story about why my finger is all wrapped up..
We had a thanksgiving dinner in my apartment last night.  turkey, stuffing, potatoes, etc
I was cutting the turkey the knife slipped and chopped into my finger.
At first I didn't think it was bad now I'm thinking i should of went to get stitches all well to late now.

Until Tomorrow

Sunday, November 13, 2011

the waiting game


I'm almost there!

Basically all that is left is to wait for January 7th to roll around

everything is done except for paying the tuition and choosing my classes.
Two small things.

Oh also I now have a paper to write as well for my globalization class, but that's OK I have until January 6th so like any good college student I'll start it January 5th at 10pm.... NAH i'll actually start it thanksgiving break

Talking about thanksgiving break IT IS ONLY 7 school days away I cannot wait.

I need a serious break from everything

Cause not only am i rushing to get everything done I have the stress of going to Thailand.  And writing this paper isn't like any other paper.  My professor in Thailand is going to be looking and grading it.  Talk about first impressions.  HORRIFYING

All well there is nothing I can do about it so I'll write it up the best I can proof read it a million times and send it over.  Hopefully it isn't to bad.  Well I have essays to review and write here at ESU due tomorrow and Tuesday so I'll leave it at that

Until Tomorrow

Thursday, November 10, 2011

acceptance letter/ ESU blog and more


I got my official acceptance notice/letter from Payap University.
I knew that i was accepted it's just nice to have the letter in my possession.
There is something that makes me a total sad panda though.

I have an essay I have to write for my Globalization class due before January 6th....

I all ready have a homework assignment.  I have to read this really boring article and write a 4 page reflection on it..... OK OK well I have come to the realization that I am going to Thailand for school not pleasure... :(

All well it's still exciting.

Now ESU Study Abroad is working on getting a blog started for the students studying abroad for the spring 2012 semester.  I expressed some interest to the abroad supervisor.  I would like to have something of future students who want to study abroad.  Don't worry this blog will be my top priority as well as keeping my facebook pictures up to date as well as letting everyone know whats going on.

Until Tomorrow

Saturday, November 5, 2011



I got all the information i need for my visa application.
All I need to do now is go get more passport pictures taken which will be done Tuesday afternoon!!

All of this is going so quickly.
I turned in my itinerary to the group I'm going with so they know when I will be arriving.


I was gonna talk today about visa's but on the other hand there is nothing really to talk about them with and I'm  not entirely sure how they work yet.  SOOO that means if you have any questions about visa's this blog is not going to answer anything about it :)

All well sorry that all of the blogs have been boring without any real back story to them, it will get much better when i actually get over there!

Until Tomorrow

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

credits credits credits


A small little snag in my plans to study abroad...
only about 6-9 credits are going to transfer back and be beneficial to my studies here.

However I can have more credits transfer, but for example I'll have two history credits transfer, but all i needed was one.  And basically I'll need to take more summer classes than recently planned.... GREAT.
All well it's totally worth it.

Every class needs to transfer back in place of another class.  So like the history class needs to qualify for some other history class taught here at ESU.  My biggest problem is ESU does not offer Thai language....
Which basically my language wont transfer meaning I will need to take another language over the summer here for it to count.  I could just take french 1 and pass it but  I mean come on.

Right now they are trying to see if I can make it into an independent study so that I can get the credits and take it off of my graduation requirements.

On the other hand I sat down with my advisor today and talked about that.  I'm going to be doing all my registration in Thailand for my classes.   that has the potential of ending badly all well.. So I will be having advising meetings over email YAY!!!

Truthfully I'm so ready to go. I'm ready to get out of ESU and all the work and stuff going on here.

Until Tomorrow