Thursday, November 10, 2011

acceptance letter/ ESU blog and more


I got my official acceptance notice/letter from Payap University.
I knew that i was accepted it's just nice to have the letter in my possession.
There is something that makes me a total sad panda though.

I have an essay I have to write for my Globalization class due before January 6th....

I all ready have a homework assignment.  I have to read this really boring article and write a 4 page reflection on it..... OK OK well I have come to the realization that I am going to Thailand for school not pleasure... :(

All well it's still exciting.

Now ESU Study Abroad is working on getting a blog started for the students studying abroad for the spring 2012 semester.  I expressed some interest to the abroad supervisor.  I would like to have something of future students who want to study abroad.  Don't worry this blog will be my top priority as well as keeping my facebook pictures up to date as well as letting everyone know whats going on.

Until Tomorrow

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