Saturday, December 3, 2011

ISIC/ countdown/ finals week


My ISIC (international school identity card) is in!! YAY only problem is that it came in on Friday when I was home and not at school.... GREAT

Now I need to wait till Monday to get it.... The anticipation is literally eating my soul.  I have been waiting for what feels an eternity for something else to happen with studying abroad.

I have hit a wall of sit around and wait.

All the last things have been sent in and I'm awaiting confirmation of TEAN receiving everything.
This card is the next thing I get to pick up.

I wonder what I'm going to do when all that is left to do is wait for my flight... I might actually go insane waiting!!

Who knows only time will tell... For those who are counting down with me there are
35 days
5 school days
4 finals
2 holidays

So like I just mentioned above finals week is coming up....


I will be in a comatose state staring trying to retain all the information know to man kind in a week...
OK so it's not all the knowledge of man kind it's just 73 muscles the brain, eye, a paper, my gen psych notes, sociology notes, and my speech communication notes.... NO BIGGIE

I'm using the spacing effect (HEHEHE psychology rocks) to study hopefully I started early enough I kinda have been studying last week now I'm really cracking down... Hopefully all goes as planned and I get at least B's on my finals.  That's what I'm shootin for here.

All right I probably should be wrapping this up... I will post a picture of the ISIC if I can or if it even makes sense I have to see how much personal info is on it....

Until Tomorrow

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