Wednesday, June 29, 2011

nothing specific


I have been slacking so badly these past few days with blogging but than again I have been very buys.

Work as started.  I work as a camp counselor.  I am exhausted and just want to sleep.  I also have NO VOICE what so ever.  So dont call me I wont answer cause I can't talk.

For now that's all basically all today was to say, No i have not forgot about my blog

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )
194 days

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Chiang Mai


Today like i promised I will be talking about Chiang Mai.

Chiang Mai is the largest city in the northern part of Thailand.  It is up in  the mountains.  And is very culturally important to the country. 
Chiang Mai has many different types of food available through out the city.  From Malaysian, Thai, and other surrounding cultures including American.  There is a 7/11 that i know is located in Chiang Mai so i will definitely be hitting that up at least once during my stay.  Just because I can.  Also,  there are a lot of night markets and street markets.  Which I am told my roommate will help me explore and learn and try new things.  I'm actually a little afraid of some of these markets I'm not too sure what to expect but I'm sure there is something there I will find good and safe to eat.  It's a new experience right??

On top of that I am in the Mountains where there are many hill tribes. 

Not much has changed for them.  They live up in the mountains and live off the land kind of like native Americans used to do.  What I was not aware of until I was around 13 is that there are still tribes that live in the world.  Many people don't know that.

Sorry to cut this off but I need to go to a friends for a party and I still need to shower and all that fun stuff so.  Comment below if you wanna learn more.

My post from yesterday I wrote but forgot to actually publish it so there are two posts to read today I hope you all like them.

Leave a comment on what you want to learn more about.

Until Tomorrow
Danielle  : )
198 days

Blogging from different countries


today is going to mostly be a recap of what I thought about the post Sarah put up yesterday.
I loved it.  I didn't give her any restrictions about what to write about all i did was, "hey sarah wanna write a post in my blog about Russia?"
and BAM she said yes which was good since im running out of things to say since im in a stand still with paperwork and all that Jazz for thailand and vacation this summer.  So you all are going to have to bear with some posts just being about my day. 
I have recently asked another friend if she would like writing a post and she agreed as well.. Now I wont tell you where she lives i'll leave that to her.  But again it will be interesting I have no clue what she is going to write about.  Also, another hint but i think you all already figured it out she does not live in the United States she lives some where else. 
If you live in someother country and you are a friend of mind let me know by leaving a comment or something of the sort.

If you have an interesting story about a country you have been to again let me know. 
Since I'm at a stand still I feel this would be the perfect time to hear stories that other people have experienced while abroad either as a student or a tourest or if you live or reside in another country.

Also, I went back and was rereading some of my posts and I was reading the one about Payap and realized I never told you guys about Chaing Mai.  So tomorrow's post I promise will be about Chaing Mai, Thailand

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )
199 days

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Traveling to Moscow!

Hey friends of Danielle! My name is Sarah, and I am currently studying the world in Moscow, Russia! I am staying at a university here that is associated with my own university in the USA. I must say, I love it here! There are so many interesting and different sights and experiences!
So why study abroad? And why did I choose Russia? First of all, I think studying in a country other than your own will give you an understanding of how other people think. Every country is different, every cultural is different, and just because they are different doesn’t necessarily mean one is worse than another. For example, I am here in Moscow; this culture is very different from my own. There is a specific difference in the attitude toward meeting new people. At home it is pretty easy to meet new people: you can often just start talk wherever you are. But in Russia it often takes several times of seeing each other, and then introducing yourselves, then you can become friends. Now to many of you, that may sound worse and harder, but there is another big difference…once you have worked to become friends, you are more likely to be really good friends.
Now as to why Russia; I have always wanted to come here! When I was little I listened to a radio program where they often visited Russian orphanages. Ever since then, I have had an increasing interest in Russia as a whole. In high school I learned some of the language, I learned to cook some Russian food, and I learned some of their history; including seeing the famous Faberge eggs four times! So when my university offered a new three week trip to Russia, I jumped at the chance.
So, what advice would I give you? First, become interested in a country other than your own. Learn about it; try food from there. Try to learn some of the language. And most importantly, learn what the culture is like. How is it different from yours? Do you think these are good or bad, or even just different? Be open to new ideas and experiences. And finally, just go! It may seem scary at first, but it is totally worth it! I can definitely speak from experience since this is my first time out of the country and on a plane, but I am so glad I came!
Enjoy the world!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


i look like crap i know i have had a rough day

Today, I am going to go over times and lengths of airports and their routines.  As well as duration of flights.

When you are going to the airport leave yourself enough time for delays and annoying really long lines!!!
Remeber lines for security can take forever!!

Try to get there with about an hour and a half before your flight is supposed to leave.  If you don't you might just miss your flight.  Now that would be horrible.  Most of the time they do not care whether or not you make your flight and they will not hold it for you.  It depends on how nice the people are and whether they got up on the right side of the bed that morning.

AND REMEMBER do not say the F*** word when you think they are taking to long to close the over head bins.  Also, going through security make sure you have your passport out open to the ID page and have your boarding pass out this makes the process soooo much smoother.  Rather than the guard asking you to take it out ect. 

Another cheat is to wear sandals or shoes that are easy to remove.  This is beucase you will have to take them off and put them on the XRAY. 

Finally flight lenght. for Belize and Guatemala since I all ready told you about Thailand

Flying to Belize will take about 5 hrs I do believe but than I think going over to Guatemala should not take more than 2 hours I dont actually know but by looking at the map they are neighboring countries and they are both pretty small.

OH something special is coming tomorrow for your post cant wait!!!

Well that is all for today
Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )
201 days

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



Sorry but today is going to be another short one because I was supposed to leave my house like 20 minutes ago.  So here it is......

There are many different ways to get to the airport.   By driving yourself that than requires you to pay a Fee for parking there for an extended period of time.
You could always use a limo/cab service which again rank up your bill

pick a poor college/teenager in your family who has a licence and say you will pay them X amount of money to drop us off and pick us up.  It will definitely be a lot cheaper than a hiring a driver or parking in a lot. 

like me I'm a poor college student

Just make sure you pay your child/grandchild/niece/nephew fairly.  You should pay them more if the airport is 2 hours away or 45 minutes away.  Be far to us since most will jump on the idea for a little extra money.  Oh how did I decide to come up with this because I was asked to drive someone to the airport tomorrow.  plus an extra bonus is I'm driving there car! So it doesn't cost ME gas money!!!! YAY for bonus money which is definitely a plus since I have to pay for my ticket to Thailand and I only have like $400 in my bank account so right now I'm a little short.

Well I have to go now

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )
202 days

Monday, June 20, 2011



I dont have anything thing to update you guys on as far as Thailand so i'll just tell you about my fun filled day.  I woke up and had to go to wawa to get money so i could get gas so i could drive to allentown Pa.   Cause you know I love driving over an hour and sitting in traffic for things that HAVE to be done in the state of PA.  I cant just stay in Jersey and have it transferred.  So I got in the car and drove up to some UPS store took about 3 minutes to do the finger prints.  than back to the car to drive home.  Than i was 6 miles away and dead traffic.  I was not moving at all.  YAY for the 18 wheeler in front of me.....

Well now im home and have a meeting at 7.

which i just went to,
I also went to my HS alumni field hockey game.
I made it for the last 10 minutes since it started the same time as my meeting for work.

oh something special is coming on Thursday!!!

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )
203 days

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers day/side story egypt


I said today was going to be short so here it is.....

When I was in Egypt on vacation we were in one of the large markets that are all over the place.  Now basically your tour guide gives you there kid.  Now if something happens to you he doesn't get his kid back.  Weird reality I know but that is how they are over there.  Well I was walkin along with my parent and my brother and a guy stopped my parents and asked if he could buy me for his son for 3 camels....3 Camels now I'm worth at least 5.  lol jk please no offers.   well my parents went on saying that I was all ready married to the guy standing beside me.  Now the "guy" standing beside me was my brother.....


but it kept me safe so we went with it for the rest of the trip.  i was married to my brother... That is all there is about that story that most people find hysterical.

Im being called to help clean

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )

Saturday, June 18, 2011



Dates/times/rosetta stone


FYI tomorrow will probably be short because tomorrow is fathers day.

Today we are gonna go over a few things. 
1. Orientation for Thailand starts on January 10th 2012
2. my train ride from Bangkok to Chaing Mai is on January 13th/14th 2012
3. Classes start on January 16th 2012
4. Last day of classes is on  May 18th 2012

The countdown begins with 205 till Thailand

On another note,
my Rosetta Stone Thai language course came in yesterday!!  : )
but here is the catch the UPS dude never rang the doorbell.
SO i was waiting and waiting and waiting  and last night I was going over families so I wanted to get it before we left.   After another hr of waiting after we were supposed to leave I decided to go check outside.

It was strange one because he came so late.  He usually comes around 1pm and he wasn't there till some time around 4 and 5:30.

I opened it up and installed it onto my laptop and decided to play with it a little to see how it would work...
It's not quite what I was hoping for but it's still very helpful.
I was hoping that it would teach me hello/goodbye you know important stuff to know before you get over there not the boy is under the airplane or the girl is on the horse.
But after simple things like that is got hard.  There would be one saying the ball is on the boy and under the table.

I'm learning slowly but surly I just hope I learn enough before I head over there :)
now I need to go practice

OK that's all I have for now and from now on the countdown will be at the bottom of each post so not only can you keep track but me as well =)

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )
205 days till Thailand

Friday, June 17, 2011


good morning

Today I am going to the post office to send my application to study in Thailand to ESU.  OK here is an important fact.  East Stroudsburg University will send you to the host university if you are accepted there.  The only way that ESU would decline me is if I was on academic probation.  I can tell you I am not.  My grades were good for my first year.  So I spent the last month and a half piecing everything together.  I needed to get things notarized, I had to go to the doctor, and I had to sign my life away on a million different pages.  OK it was only like 15 but still.  ITS FINALLY BEING SENT!

yes my hand is covering the return address

 and not sitting in my house any more.  Now on here all I have really spoke about was my application to study abroad.  Which does take up a lot of time.  On top of that I'm getting clearances by every law enforcement agency so I can work in a school district in the fall for my major.  My major as of this very second is Athletic Training.  I also want to pick up a dual major in Pre-Med and I blog so yea I have no life.  Yet my friends are always around whether it's to get a 10 minute meal or to sit in my room while I study.  I LOVE MY FRIENDS : )  That enough of school that's not what I'm supposed to be talking about today. 
this was the best picture I could find

my passport
IDK mail didn't come yet
my Rosetta Stone!!!

I can now start practicing my THAI!!

and learn more than one word woot woot.

I went to a Thai restaurant with my dad today.  It was a fun father-daughter thing for fathers day since it is impossible to go out on father's day.
I just had curry it was yummy but I was expecting it to be spicier
My dad had yum yum i think... It was interesting I don't really know what was in it but it tasted good.\

If you go to a Thai restaurant for the first time or you never really knew what to order. 


pad thai

pad Thai is a traditional Thai dish that even the most Americanized Thai restaurants have. 
It is a noodle dish with usually your choice of chicken or shrimp or pork
it has bean sprouts in it... EVERY GOOD THAI FOOD HAS BEAN SPROUTS
Also, ask for lemon or a lime which ever or use which ever one they give you. It adds to the taste and experience so much.  OH i forgot it also comes with PEANUTS.  So if you are allergic to peanuts ask them to make it without.  I would rather you taste it without peanuts then eat it with them and die of anaphilaxis shock.

There are many many more great dishes but for the life of me I cannot remember there names.
One is a appetizer which is basically very very thin crispy "tortia" ill call it with a "dipping sauce" which makes you die and go to heaven with every bite. 

So go to a Thai restaurant order some food try it tell me what you think

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )

Thursday, June 16, 2011



today is going to be a controversial topic that really shouldn't be a controversy...  THE LEGAL DRINKING AGE....   OK so this summer and in the spring from what I have read.  I can drink legally... The only catch is that in Thailand I cannot go clubbing which is fine by me because I do not see the fun in being in a mob of sweaty people who some are there to harm you.  It makes not sense to me why people like that....

Now remember I'm only 18 years old so drinking in the United States is ILLEGAL.

 I am not allowed to drink in private, in public, or anywhere in between I might be missing.  Now since I am female I am not part of the "draft" our military has even though no one worries about a draft because we have not used ours in FOREVER!  but for the 18-20 year old men who live in this country are old enough to be drafted into the military and be killed but cannot sit down in a bar with some friends or at a friends house and enjoy a beer.  Something is wrong with that.  If someone is old enough to die for their country they should have all the rights in the country. INCLUDING consuming alcohol.  OK so yes you will have the occasional 18 year old DUI.... do not tell me you don't have any one over the age of 21 having DUI's  just pick up a newspaper and you will see at least 2 DUI's....  Where I live here in the state of New Jersey an 18 year old cannot even buy a pack of cigarettes.  that's a different story.  But it is what it is.. The United States Government believes that it is safe to have the drinking age at 21 and this little blog isn't going to change that so lets talk about the 90% of the world where you can drink legally at the age of 18...

In Belize and Guatemala the drinking age is only 18 for all types of alcohol.  That means beer, wine, and spirits.  But here is the catch I'm not a huge drinker.  I don't like the taste of most alcohol so why drink it.  So I can fumble around and act like a complete idiot?  That makes no sense to me.  Even now that I am in college I don't drink often.. Partying is not some big huge thing.  So if you are reading this and not in college yet.  You DO NOT have to go to parties every weekend to fit in, you will find your group of friends who will accept you for who you are.  TADAH....

In Thailand I probably wont even drink.. There is too much going on in a different country where who knows if I can trust people over there.  You can't trust people here in the United States.  So I would rather be safe than sorry and have to come home early on my trip because something happened because someone caught me clubbing underage or something happened to me because I was slipped something or because I just got to drunk.  So occasionally a drink or two with my close friends in the privacy of my own home where I am safe than I do not mind but really other than that drinking doesn't do anything for me. 

Thailand is about studying the culture and how people live there and whether or not i want to work there later on in life.  What I learn and experience in Thailand is going to have a major impact on the decisions for the rest of my life and I need to keep that in perspective.  There is plenty of time to drink in my life, but possibly only one chance in order to go to Bangkok and Chaing Mai Thailand.




Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



so today is going to be a little bit about my flight and flights in general... I just read an article about a man being thrown of a plane for a completely ridiculous reason.. If you want to read it you can do so here:,ny

He swore.... OMG i have never heard a swear word before on a plane.... For real  It was southeast airlines that threw the man of the plane after a stewardess overheard them mane tell another passenger SITTING NEXT TO HIM," how f***ing long does it take to close the over head compartments"    OK now if you have flown before you know... IT TAKES FOREVER!!!

SOOOO.....  that's enough of that... I usually don't care what happens in other people's life... I just thought it was a little redonkulus..

Flying to Thailand will take FOREVER OK well almost forever... It's a 24 hour flight ugh...SOOOOO worth it though.  also there is no direct flight to Chiang Mai.. Well that is  not so bad because I am going to Orientation in Bangkok. there are a few that fly straight there..... Also, I'm flying with a group so.....  I will be lucky if they fly out of JFK.... but ya know ill probably have to get on a plane at Newark fly to somewhere in the states.... Get off get on another plane with the group and than fly to either Bangkok or a hub city who knows whether or not i will need to stop once the flights and all that are put up.....

this is my kitty CJ

And we say

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )

Thai language/wai

(means hi)

OK this entire post is not going to be in Thai simply because that is the only Thai i know....  Well its a start right and I still have 7 months and I just asked a family friend who lived in Thailand if she wouldn't mind teaching me some so I'm not completely lost when I get over there.    OK so my family friends also happens to be my pastor's wife more specifically which just makes it like 10X better duh.

The Thai language is a tonal language.  If you don't know what i mean here is an example.  There could be multiple words that look like this mi, mi, mi, mi, mi.... Now depending on the tone in your voice as you say them they mean something different...  Thai has five different tones.  I don't know all of them but I do know there are 5.

 SO there goes the never fail sound it out.   Nope doesn't work in their language....

Now when I'm over there I'm going to be taking a Thai language course from which I hear teaches you to speak the language more than writing and reading.  Now come on maybe I want to write in a language that ya know NO ONE can read besides me.  That would be awesome.... here is HELLO written in Thai just like I showed you in the beginning of the post.  There are some other phrases that are not to hard to learn but I'm not here to teach you guys Thai from what I have learned from a computer... When I get there and start taking my language course THAN I will teach you some new words....


the Wai is a traditional Thai greeting.  Both hands are placed in front of you palms together just like the picture above under the HI!!! but ill put it again cause i know you are to lazy to scroll up....

the younger/lower status person Wai's first.  Just by doing that and know sawatdee will create a huge impact from what I hear when I go over there... All they care about is that you TRY and ofa course be respectful!!!  for the most part  people will be very pleased and less likely to treat you like a foreigner if you TRY!!! and come on how cool would it be to be treated like a Thai person... Like someone who lives there and knows the culture....  That would be AWESOME!!!

Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

UC and traveling


Today I'm going to talk a little bit about my UC and what that means with traveling.  It can be a pain in the ASS.  Oh maybe I should explain what UC is for those of you who don't know what it is.  It's a chronic inflammation of the colon along with possible ulcers. UC  is short for Ulcerative Colitis.  Now what that means is I go to the bathroom... ALOT....
And as you could imagine the bathrooms in Thailand are different than the western ones here in the US.  They are wayy wayy wayy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different.  Those who don't know the toilets in Thailand are more comingly know as squat toilets.  They are not exactly designed for people who use the bathroom frequently.

  Never mind a completly new idea.. BUT remember I will be wearing a skirt.  Which is a nice little barrier for privacy.  Ok so wearing a skirt in Thailand in not a complete horrifiying experience.  Well ok maybe it is....  Stop laughing.  It's not nice to make fun of me for HATING to wear skirts.  My friends know right guys... have any of you seen me in a skirt.  Ok the occasional dress that EVERYONE has seen me in.  Which is this one.
(this was prom picture fyi)

Wait how on earth did i get to showing you all my dress... OOHHHH skirts/dresses.... Yes so i own one dress but no skirts.  Its no fun you have to sit with your legs crossed in really hot weather.  This creates that akward sweat and ya know it takes more effort to sit "lady like"..... Now if I wasn't such a tomboy that might just be an easier feat to accomplish.....  I grew up with 5 boys come on....  Which I love to death the three im closes with.  I may call them my brothers but really only one is my biological brother.  The other two are my neighbors... The other two live in the neightborhood who i no longer talk to.  Simply with all of us in college now it is very difficult to get together. WOOOOOOOO ok way way way off topic this is supposed to be about my UC. 

The food that I eat also can create "flares" which is when my medication cannot keep the inflammation in check and I go to the bathroom literally every hour.  It's horrible...   But that's just something that I have to live with and there is nothing more than I'm all ready doing.  Oh and for those with questions about how to bring enough medicine this is what you do.... Most airlines and countries will allow a one month supply of your medication.  Just by going to the doctor and getting a note and keeping all medication in the original bottles will fix this problem... OR you can look into buying your medication there..  Here is an example... when I went to Egypt. My mom needed a machine that gave her medicine to help her breath.  In my family asthma is usually really bad.  It cost my parents around $300 USD.  In Egypt no joke it cost $40 USD...
Some times however the medication that we use  here is illigal there.  OH NO!!! don't fret there are so many different medications im sure your doctor could try to get around that but still be able to treat you effectivly.

I think that is all i really got to say about that
(leave a comment about what you want to know more about)
Until Tomorrow
Danielle : )

Monday, June 13, 2011

Payap University


its cold in the house

So I had a friend tell me that I should write about where I am goin  :)
This means an entire post about Papay University and tomorrow will be about Chiang Mai.  Now remember I haven't actually left yet so this is just going to me doing research and bringing it all into one place.  So here we go.......

I will be living in Paradornparp International House... AKA international dorm.  This is a huge dorm that is far away from campus.  Now I go to East Stroudsburg University in the Poconos.  I'm able to walk the entire length of campus in 7 minutes.  No biggy.  Now going to a larger school where i have to take a shuttle to class will definitely be a huge difference.  Now if you read this and go to Penn State or Rutgers.. Don't make fun of me.  I love my little school where you can literally see everyone who goes there at least once during your stay.  While I'm over there I am required to take a Thai language course and Globalization of Thailand.  plus 3ish more class.  I need to take 15 credits while I'm studying abroad.  Now most people are like dang that's more than full time here.   Well um like most of the youth now a days.  I take more than 12 credits a semester.  I take 18 on average.  So only having to take 15 sounds really easy.Soo that is Payap University I don't wanna really put any pictures in because that will get rid of all the fun for when i actually go.

Till Tomorrow

Sunday, June 12, 2011



I ordered my passport 3 weeks and 3 days ago today.  Passports can take forever to come in.  Not to mention im cutting it really freaking close to when my gradfather needs my passport information.  See when i go to school in Thailand my passport needs to be valid for at least six months after im supposed to be coming home.  Well my passport was supposed to expire in october of this year.  Well Payap wants my passport information this summer.  So i had to go out and ourder a new passport with a month and a half until im going to Belize and Guatamala with my family.  DELEMA so i decided to send for my new passport at the county clerks office.  It taking forever!!!!    Hopefully I get it this week so I can send the program my passport information and my application fee...  YES MORE APPLICATION FEES.  Hmmmm Let's see what else do I wanna talk about.....

Lets jump to Payap Universities uniform.... Yes I did say uniform..
Now for those of  you who know me know that I DO NOT wear skirts....
Guess what the uniform is in Thailand...... SKIRTS (FML)
So lets get to the point... I bought a skirt today.. ugh 

face palm

My mom and I decided that since im going in the fall im going to be stuck looking for summer clothes during winter.  And for those who do not live under a rock..  It's hard to find summer clothes in the winter.  And when you do the are MAD cheap in every sense of the word.  Now most of you are probably thinking... Well Danielle why dont you just buy your uniform in thailand.  Where you know it's always hot... WELLLL i thought about that.  I also thought well lets see I'm easily 3X bigger than most people in Thailand.   Remeber people in Thailand are more petite.  Im like 5'7'' and well lets say heavier than i want to be.  Good old freshman 15.  Yes I did just finish my freshman year of college. 

So unless I become desperate I am going to try and get my clothes over here BEFORE I go over.  However I still have 6 months.  But I'm told that once school starts for me in August than everything starts moving very quickly.    So I'll really quickly give you an over view of the uniform and than add a picture.  So (female) black skirt/ white dress shirt/ black shoes/ Payap University belt and pin
(male) black pants/ white dress shirt/ black shoes/ black tie/ Payap University belt and pin

So while im waiting for more things to fall in place leave me a post to let me know what you want to learn more about.

See you all tomorrow : )

Saturday, June 11, 2011

what to wear when traveling


I like this chair i think its gonna be where i blog from now on
Today I'm going shopping with my mom and my "aunt" she is my mom's best friend I just call her my aunt.  I said I was going to talk about clothes today.  Well lets just start with whats in my closet.  Clothes that are acceptable in every country exists in my closet.  These outfits are simply plain beige shirts and a pair of regular fit jeans.  Remember when you travel or study abroad dress modestly. : )  

What is acceptable here in the united states is not acceptable in just about every other country in the world.  Just because you wear short shorts and strapless shirts here in the states does not mean you can wear that in lets say any of the countries I listed in a previous post and not get disgusted looks by the locals.  As well as being discriminated against for being a foreigner.

 Trust me you want to blend in!! not stand out like a sore thumb.

 In Thailand for example.  If you want to blend in... Dress nice and wear covering clothes.  Thai people compared to those in the united states are very fine clean cut.  Just dressing in tee shirts in jeans will definitely stand out.  It's just a fact.  In Egypt for example...... IT WAS HOTTTTT!!!! however out of respect for the country my family (at least the women)  wore capri's and plain tee shirts  NOTHING showed our nationality.  As well as being respectful because women in Egypt do not have the same rights as men like we do here in the United States..  Wa BAM  (on a side note ill talk about some other time someone tried to buy me for 3 camels for their son.)  Other countries like Slovenia and Costa Rica are a little bit more liberal about what you wear...  You will be able to wear regular shorts and plain tee shirts. 

(good to wear)

(Not to wear)

REMEMBER DO NOT WEAR USA GEAR!!!!! (like the picture below)  This is actually the backpack I use so I need to go out and buy a new one.

most countries do not like the United States in general.  This means they don't like Americans based on association.  Now I'm not saying that everyone will be like ahhhh another American get them!!!  I have plenty of friends from all of these countries that I talk to.  So there are plenty of people that want to learn English and will be excited to practice their English with you.  So don't be overly patriotic in another country.

Costa Rica



