Friday, September 30, 2011

ESU abroad meeting


So ESU wants to be uber annoying about this whole studying abroad thing....
We all need to attend a meeting to go over the fact that we are allowed to be prosecuted in our host countries.... NO DUHHH!!!!  Just because we are American Citizens does not mean that we are free to do what ever we want in other countries....

Another side note there are more serious consequences for certain convictions than here in the USA...
In other words if it's illegal here it's illegal there.

When you do travel though make sure you do look for laws that you don't think of twice here.  In Thailand it's against the law to speak badly about the Royal Family.... Here we can say whatever we want about Obama....

Little differences like that
Remember even though you don't think about it, they are your host country....
You should treat them with more respect than you do in the States..
If you were to go to a friends house would you talk badly about their parents OF COURSE NOT

this is a really bad picture all well

Be smart don't get arrested cause if you do the USA can't do squat about it so you are SOL...
See you in  a few years if  you ever get out.

So i have to attend a meeting "X" amount of time long on "X" date in the month of October...
all well at least it means I'm one step closer woot woot!!!

Oh by the way remember my roommate who i said will be responsible for reminding me to blog this is her : )
I love her to death.

me and Rachael

Give me comments!!
Until Tomorrow

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