Saturday, October 1, 2011

3 days in a row *pats on back*


I have no clue about what to write about today......
Nothing is really going on.

hmmmmm what to talk about.....

I wonder wonder wonder i do i do i do *whistles*

Intercultural understanding questions...

These were the hardest questions i had to answer about traveling abroad.....
Except one the last one was completely ridiculous or at least that's what I though from traveling before....

Question 1:
What is your greatest challenge going to be while living in a developing country?

Question 2:
What are your expectations of living and studying in Thailand?

Question 3:
Please describe a challenging intercultural interaction you have experienced and what did you learn?

Question 4:
How will you handle your new found fame and freedom while living in Thailand?

OK questions 1-3 took some serious thought... Question 4.. mentions how will you handle your new found freedom some sexual.....   Sometimes I forget how stupid people are and companies need to ask this question....  Really do we have no respect for ourselves and others that we would think about not going to class and partying and having sex all day??  Sadly I do know some people who would do that... I cant believe that today's youth.... That I am associated with actually thinks that way.. I'm not saying I never do anything nor that everyone else parties and has sex its just what you hear about

don't ask what I'm doing here cause I'm trying to figure it out as well

OK that topic was getting to serious...

Happy note I got visitors today!!!

It was parents day here at ESU. and my parents came to visit me.. sorry there is no picture I forgot to get one before they left, besides i doubt my parents would want to be on here at all...
I have also decided to introduce you to one friend a day until well i run out of close friends today is Josh.

me and Josh

Until Tomorrow
98 more days

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