Monday, October 31, 2011



There is nothing new but i figured I'd come on here and post some numbers so at least i keep blogging :)
68 days
31 school days
3 holidays

until I leave

this is too crazy I'm extremely excited and totally horrified at the same time!!!

I can't wait until i can make my location Payap University!!
What happened to this semester DANG!!!

oh cross your fingers and pray that my credits transfer over from Thailand especially my language course that I'm fighting my university about!
darn it ESU you offer Arabic as a language why not Thai

Until Tomorrow

Sunday, October 23, 2011



I told you that my next blog was going to have my courses I am taking.
here they are listed

ITH 101 Thai Language
SA 268 Globalization and South East Asia
SA 462 The Government and Politics of Thailand
HI 222 History of mainland South East Asia and her neighbors

Totaling: 15 credits

Its extremely exciting I need to start going around to the different departments at ESU to make sure that the credits will all transfer.

On top of that there are excursions, breaks, and some other stuff going on too.  Here is the extra stuff that is all ready planned out for my time in Thailand.

Orientation at Payap University: Monday, January 16, 2012 – Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Mae Chaem Northern Thai Village Excursion: Wednesday, January 18 – Sunday, January 22, 2012 (included with program fee)
Module #1 Classes: Monday, January 23 – Friday, March 16, 2012
Lisu Village Excursion: End of February (TBD) (included with program fee)
Module #2 Classes: Monday, March 19 – Friday, May 18, 2012
Thai New Year (Spring Break): April 9 – 13, 2012
Bangkok Excursion: End of April (TBD) (included with program fee)
Farewell Luncheon: Friday, May 18, 2012

I know that I didn't really say anything in this post besides stating information about classes, but that is all I have for now

Until Tomorrow

Friday, October 21, 2011

course offerings


Guess what I just received in an email!

The course offering for Payap Universities Spring 2012 semester...

I truly have no clue what classes to take yet, I'm going to meet with my advisor here to see what he recommends so that I can try and get most of my general education courses done that I have not all ready taken care of.

I have to take a language class, as well as a globalization class.
I'm waiting to hear how many credits the language course is so that I can see how many other courses I need to sign up for.  I need to hold 15 credits while abroad to count as a full time student.  Shouldn't be too hard, but the names of the classes and the descriptions do not sound like a very easy task....

Can't be any harder than classes are here.
Honestly cannot wait to get out of here and fly over.  I also go all of the excursion dates and where i was going to different places and when I will be in the hill tribes etc..

Tomorrow I will actually put the course titles up that I can take and let you guys comment and recommend the classes that I take.
yes you the one who reads my blog almost everyday but has yet to leave a comment YOU!!!

Oh yea FYI i blogged from work today so you will get to see the back wall of where i work in all the picture hahaha

Until Tomorrow
78 more days

Sunday, October 16, 2011

final info submitted



Truthfully all I had left was to send in my essay and a digital picture.

It only took five tries to get a decent looking picture lol.  It wasn't too bad all none were a bad picture of me smiling but of my hair...

only 5


It was all piecey and not what I wanted it to look like.  Finally I got one that I ACTUALLY liked.

My essay however was another story.
I wrote my first essay this summer about a personal experience.  I ended up getting a "B" on it but I personally didnt like it.
Now the essay I just wrote was a place essay..  It's what it sounds like an essay written about a place.  I thought personally that I did better on that one.  So that's the one I submitted hopefully they like it.
who knows

*crosses fingers*

Those were the last two things.
I'm waiting for a conformation letter from my enrollment coordinator saying that she has gotten them and sent everything out.

I'm so excited and nervous at the same time.

Don't forget ESU the study abroad fair will be held in Dansbury Commons from 11am to 2pm stop in and check it out.

Until Tomorrow

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Abroad Fair


I'm going to keep this kinda ESU oriented today.

If you attend East Stroudsburg University they are having an study abroad fair on Monday October 17th 2011 in Dansbury Commons from 11am to 2pm.

If your interested at all I recommend going.
yes you come check it out

People there are very helpful and want you to study abroad.  They will be sitting at the side table where everyone promotes there stuff.  Check it out what's the worst that can happen you throw their information out.

I'm definitely going even if just for a minute or so to talk to the representative from the education abroad network. (just saying)

If you want any personal information really about how helpful they really are without talking to a representative because we all know they lie.
it happens people lie who are paid to sell their product

Leave me a comment here and I will reply or if we are friends on facebook just write on my wall.  If I'm not friends with you on facebook all ready do not try friending me I will not respond and will most likely block you if I don't know you.
come on lets be real here be smart

Leave a comment and I will get back to you tomorrow!!

Until tomorrow
77 more days

Thursday, October 13, 2011



Not sure how posts are going to be coming about for the next few weeks..
I'm not doing as good in two of my classes as I was hoping for.

So instead of blogging I'm going to be studying.
Don't get me wrong if I have  time or something on Thailand I will definitely let you all know.

So far for Thailand I just got an email saying that they will send in all my paperwork to Payap after I send in a digital photo and my essay.  To bad the essay I want to use is due on Monday so the picture and essay will be submitted on Monday YAY!!!

So excited

I cant wait to get out of here for a while
here is an tip for HS students and younger who read this
it's very difficult

I have four more semesters of 18 credits so we will see how this semester plays out.


Until Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Today is going to be short I don't really have anything going on.
First off, I saw a sign for ESU abroad fair!!

I laughed a little when I saw it I was like OMG I'm actually doing this.  hopefully they get someone from TEAN there.  I don't really have any questions but I will be thinking for them till then. 
this is my OMG excited/ what did i get myself into

On a completely different note:

We got our new roommate.  She is cool her name is Danni she said she would be in my blog tonight, but she is not here and I wanna get this done with cause I'm mad tired and have working in the morning never mind the fact I still have 4 to 5 hours before bed :(  Maybe a power nap instead of dinner... Sounds good to me.
i think i have had a thumbs up pick in my last like 5 posts

Prank War:
Hannah just found out that we glued her conditioner shut hahaha we did it last week after her last shower at school before we went home.

OK that's all for the day hopefully tomorrow I will have something to talk to.

Until Tomorrow
87ish I really need to go look

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thai lunch


I went out to lunch yesterday after church to a Thai restaurant.  I was there with my mom and another family of whom which I'm traveling with.

Needless to say I don't think I will eat for another month.. UGH SO MUCH FOOD

After they ordered all this food we chowed down for literally an hour. We were not there for an hour but we ATE for an hour.

Favorite food of the day had to be the duck that I tried I cant remember the name, but it was amazing.

I just got back to the Burg from a long weekend at home... Which needless to say all I did was sleep most of the time.  All well I'm in college I'm allowed to sleep all day when I'm home.

No pranks have happened yet today hopefully we don't have to worry about that till tomorrow who knows.

Oh and the new roommate has yet to show up WTF???

Oh just wanted to point out what my shirt said cause its totally awesome
Autism adjust your perspective

Until Tomorrow
88ish I think

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thailand/prankwar update


For Thailand my family friends have friends over at Payap University (i am aware that that sentences uses a friend of a friend...)  but whatever.

They are going to be there while I'm there that's kind of obvious but it will be nice to meet people over there who "know" me.... kinda sorta but not actually....

But that is my little blurb about Thailand for the day... sorry nothing is going on at all with it right now so I'll just try to keep little updates, but mostly for a while I think I'm going to be writing about the Prank War in my apartment.

If I can count correctly its 4-4 right now...

Here are a list of pranks that were done (first one's Rachael and I did to them)
1. the freeze out... we made our apartment 55 degrees last night..
2. Set an alarm in Hannah's room for 2:30 hide it and waited.. (Hannah was not amused)
3.soaked their toilet paper with water
4. convinced Marissa that I saran wrapped her car

Them to me and Rachael
1. ducked taped everything in our bathroom. toilet, shower, sink
2. shaving cream in the sink and shower
3. upside down cup with water inside
4. rearranged our drawers in our bedroom

So far so much fun nothing to harmful the only fight about it we had was the 20minutes of sleep Hannah had over the alarm...
she even admitted later on in the day that now she is awake that it was funny so it all worked out in the end

Until Tomorrow

Thursday, October 6, 2011

smoke alarms/roommates (sorry no thailand)


So to start it off I need to mention that I set the smoke alarm of in the apartment about an hour ago.


all well for those who live in my building can vouch that it didn't go off in the building.  I would of been so embarrassed.

Roommates Roommates and Roommates.
I am getting another roommate.  For the past month we have been living with only 5 people in a 6 person apartment. and our streak has run out..  All well I know nothing about this new roommate and she has not moved in yet all well more on here when she shows up :)

More on the roommates you all ready know.....
We have began a prank war. Mwhahahahahaha

It's all ready so much fun and all I can say is the prank is set and we are waiting for them to fall into it. hahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Everyday now for the next month we will be pranking each other.  It is me and Rachael, against Hannah, Sara and Marissa we basically just split up based on who uses which bathroom.

Rachael and I are going to dominate this war.  There will be a cease fire on pranks on Halloween.  The last prank you can do is at 12AM November 1st.

Lucky us we have a month of going back and forth..

here are the rules.

We cannot ruin, damage anything of the person who we are pranking.

We cannot do anything physically to another person in their sleep ie shaving cream and feather...

We cannot repeat pranks

Three simple little rules mwhahahahaha

If you have any ideas for a good prank leave a comment

I have some new Thailand information but I will leave that for tomorrow I need to go study for anatomy

Until Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GAHHHHHHH short post.. more tomorrow


 So today is going to be going mad quick.....

I have a thousand word essay due tomorrow at 1pm, but I have to have it done by 6am tomorrow... GAHHHH

I also decided that I was going to go to  Christian group called the Awakening.
So instead of being productive I am killing time... YAY ME PROCRASTINATION TO THE MAX..


Last night getting the tickets were such a big deal.... My mom tried to do without me there which just turned into my phone ringing ever 10 minutes asking me for more information.  That was a blast I was trying to write this paper last night tooo yea the one I have been putting off for like EVER!!!!



Until Tomorrow

Monday, October 3, 2011

buying the ticket/pics


I decided to actually wave today not just hold my hand up next to me (i dont like it)

Guess what is happening tonight bet u can never guess!

My mom is buying my plane ticket to Thailand.
Yes it is going to happen.

a little over excited maybe nahhhhh

Well since it's still only 9am right  now it hasn't exactly happened yet.
but be patient it will. I'M POSITIVE!!!

Trying to think if anything else is going on.......
I honestly don't think anything is going on for Thailand in the next few weeks,
I do however need to edit my paper I am sending to Payap University.
My professor here likes slang occasionally in papers where most universities/professors don't so i need to make a few changes here and there. Which is awesome it's an advance composition class which is pretty much a creative writing class with a few more guidelines.  None of my essays are really about anything educational they are working on writing well.  For example the one I'm turning in to Payap was a personal experience that society can learn from. 

I also need to take a digital photo, I have been putting it off FOREVER!  I can never take good pictures if I just need to stand there for a picture.  all well I'll take a million maybe one will look reasonable.

take 1

take 2

take 3

I give up

The time between now and me flying out is getting smaller and smaller very quickly.  I'M IN MY 6TH WEEK AT COLLEGE.  What on earth happened to the first 5 weeks.

 Oh yea I got my new phone today I'm so excited!!!

Until Tomorrow
96 more days